Chiropractic Care
One of the most common discomforts in pregnancy is back pain. Chiropractic care has been shown to relieve sciatica, ligament, hip, neck, and lower back pain.
Routine care and specialized techniques such as the Websters Technique can optimize alignment of the pelvis and fetal positioning; leading to decreased times in labor and improved outcomes
That’s why we recommend Dr. D at Active Health Chiropractic throughout pregnancy, postpartum, and even baby!
Massage is one of the most simple and effective methods of self care.
Prenatal massage can reduce back and joint pain, muscular discomforts, improve flexibility and circulation, and even decrease swelling.
It promotes relaxation, helping to decrease depression and anxiety, and improve much needed sleep.
Local CMT, Lindsay, has just the magic touch you need to take away all your pregnancy woes
Fitness & Nutritional Counseling
Exercise has been proven to increase energy, improve mood, reduce discomfort, and can even help decrease the length of labor!
*Be sure to speak with your provider regarding your fitness goals during pregnancy*
Proper nutrition is is the single most important indicator of a healthy outcome. Navigating your dietary needs can be confusing, but our local friends can help.
Placenta Encapsulation
Consuming your placenta may sound completely strange right? Many women believe in placenta benefits but are not loving the whole idea of eating it. That's why hiring a Placenta Specialist is so helpful, you never have to look at it or touch a thing! It comes back to you all prepared in capsules - looking just like a regular vitamin, but with amazing benefits for both mom and baby and should be considered by all!
Contiuous support for women during childbirth has been shown to decrease the risk of a cesarean, increase the likelihood of spontaneous vaginal birth, decrease the need for pain medications, shorten labors, and greater overall satisfaction
During birth, they help to make suggestions for positioning and relaxation techniques, assist with massage and counter pressure, and other comfort measures. They can also offer perspective and valuable information should any issues arise
There is nothing quite like capturing the incredible journey and first moments of your sweet baby’s life.
Whether it be a pregnancy shoot, the birth itself, or newborn photos, we highly recommend capturing these sweet moments to remember!
As a Midwife AND photographer, she knows exactly what and when to capture the perfect moments for you to cherish forever.